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February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. It is important for parents and students to know what relationship violence is, how it impacts our youth and what resources are available to help. The Defense Awareness Response Training (DART) organization has developed a healthy relationships and teen dating violence prevention program called DateSmart (see information below). It started over 15 years ago.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2019) identifies four types of teen dating violence and defines them as follows:
In addition, a newer form of dating violence, cyber dating abuse, involves “the use of technology to control, harass, threaten, or stalk another person in the context of a dating relationship” (Dick et al., 2014: 1561). Some examples are pressuring partners to send a sexual/naked photo of themselves, spreading rumors by text or other messaging platforms, making partners afraid when they do not respond to a text or message, and harassing partners by using information from a social networking site (Zweig et al., 2013).
Another term used by researchers is digital dating abuse, which is a “pattern of behaviors using mobile phones and social media to harass, pressure, coerce, and threaten a dating partner” (Reed et al., 2021). Researchers also have used the terms technology-assisted adolescent dating violence (Stonard, 2020) and electronic aggression (Bennett et al., 2011).
DART offers DateSmart, a free, schedule-accommodating 3-hour workshop specifically intended for 8th grade middle school youth. A one-hour version is also available. Using highly interactive small- and large-group discussions, activities, role plays, and media components, DateSmart instructors help students:
DART’s Resources Section has many valuable resources that can help organizations develop violence prevention strategies, including verbal de-escalation. If your organization is interested in DART's DateSmart Training, click here.
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