DART Promotes National Safety Month
DART’s celebration of National Safety Month focuses on the prevention of workplace violence.
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DART’s celebration of National Safety Month focuses on the prevention of workplace violence.
DART will feature stories and resources throughout May 2023 dedicated to helping healthcare workers, especially nurses, respond to workplace violence situations.
Some 2 million American workers are victims of workplace violence each year. Some workers, however, are at increased risk (e.g., healthcare and schools). Violence prevention programs are critical.
This evidence-based survey will help you evaluate the safety of your workplace environment and effectiveness of your policies. You can share the results with your co-workers and/or employer.
During the Summer/Fall of 2021, DART developed a 2-hour Verbal De-escalation online training for a retail establishment in Boulder, Colorado. In 2022, it was redesigned and enhanced to take advantage of the online environment. It is now being offered online to both retail and healthcare organizations.