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Defense Awareness Response Training

Empowerment Through Knowledge

Creating Safe Spaces: Everyone Deserves a Life Free from Violence

DART, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization headquartered in Boulder, Colorado. We offer highly effective courses in violence prevention and violence management for dating, workplace, and stalking situations.

Experts in education, law enforcement, and self-defense contributed to DART highly respected curriculum. Courses were designed to be practical, easily learned and retained. DART's goals in every workplace training session are to enhance employee confidence, ensure a safer workplace environment, and positively impact employee retention.

DART offers online violence prevention training to employers and organizations in the United States and Canada called WorkSmart and DateSmart. WorkSmart addresses topics including verbal de-escalation and situational awareness. DateSmart explores healthy dating relationships and dating violence prevention topics that are tailored to 7th and 8th grade middle school students.


Do you want to elevate your workplace quality and safety?

Explore DART’s Train-the-Trainer Program here!

FREE Workplace Violence Safety Survey To Help Assess The Quality Of Your Workplace Safety Program.

DART's free Workplace Violence Safety Survey will help you evaluate the safety of your workplace environment and effectiveness of your policies. The survey will then provide you with a score based on a 100% scoring system.

After completing the survey, please feel free to download a PDF of the completed survey and its scores to share with your co-workers and/or employer. One will also be emailed to you.

Workplace Online Survey

What you can expect


DART developed and offers training that is appropriate for the general population regardless of an individual’s size, previous training, or physical conditioning.

Highly Trained Instructors

All DART instructors must complete a thorough training and evaluation process before being certified as a DART instructor.

Highly Skilled Curriculum Developers

Professionals in education, counseling, police work, security, workplace violence law, and martial arts provide the expertise and balance needed to develop highly effective violence prevention training that is easily learned and retained.

Focus On The Client

DART recognizes that each client has specialized needs and works with each individual client to see that their unique concerns are met.

Follow-Up Training

DART recognizes that the physical skills taught in an initial workshop require periodic practice/reinforcement. DART therefore will customize a follow-up training program for its clients upon request.

Click on the buttons below to learn more about each course offering and how to schedule one for your organization.


Participants gain a fundamental understanding of the power of verbal de-escalation techniques and situational awareness.


7th and 8th-grade students learn about healthy relationships and dating violence prevention.

What our clients had to say
